
Get expert AWS guidance

Collaborate with Rocketleap to tailor AWS solutions for your business.

Tech Driven, People-Centered

AWS is more than tech; it's about the people who build, maintain, and operate it. Our consultancy emphasizes the synergy between people and technology, recognizing that success comes from empowering both.
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Avoid costly mistakes
Our advice can help you save weeks of wasted effort in development time.
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Gain tailored solutions
Generic advice doesn’t always fit. We customize strategies specifically for you and your organization.
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Future proof performance
Expert guidance ensures your AWS setup runs efficiently at scale.
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Rocketleap's Approach

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Customized strategy

We work closely with you to develop AWS strategies that fit your unique business needs.
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Ongoing collaboration

We don’t just give advice and leave. We partner with you to implement solutions and support your team.

Actionable insights

Receive detailed, practical recommendations for optimizing your AWS setup.
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Up skill your team

We can work with your developers to boost their skills or help them build the structure they need to succeed.

Get started with a free review!

Start with a detailed review, and if you choose to stay with Rocketleap, your review is on us. It’s the perfect way to begin your journey towards a more efficient AWS setup.

Collaborating with your developers

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Developers first

We put your developers first and collaborate as team members.
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Teaching problem-solving

Our consultancy doesn't just solve the immediate problems; we teach you how we approach it.
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Supporting your organization

We look at the bigger picture of your organization and how it can evolve.
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Technology that delivers

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Scalable and Cost-effective

We help you implement strategies to enhance your cloud performance and reliability.
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Cost Management

Identify and eliminate unnecessary expenses, ensuring cost-effective cloud operations.
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Secure data

Ensure your data is protected with security best practices.

"Rocketleap helped us to focus on what problems to solve. From there, they supported us with solutions, helped deliver our timelines, and anticipated our future needs. They felt like a team member to us."

Thomas Bakker, CTO,
Momo Medical

Ready to optimize your AWS strategy?

Contact our AWS Experts now!