Building Blocks

Faster development. Fewer mistakes

Build faster, smarter, and more securely with Rocketleap's Building Blocks.

"The building blocks help you develop faster and set up AWS resources correctly. For example, you can quite easily create an RDS database with alerting, security, and other best practices."

Matthijs Boot, Developer,

The problem

Time-consuming and complex AWS configuration

Configuring AWS infrastructure from scratch requires deep knowledge. It can be a significant a barrier for entry for developers with limited experience with AWS, leading to delays and potential vulnerabilities in the system.
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The solution

Rocketleap Building Blocks. The smart solution

Building Blocks give you pre-configured, reusable infrastructure components that fit right into your AWS setup. They’re built for security, scalability, and efficiency, so you can spend more time developing your apps and less time worrying about infrastructure.

Speed up development

Accelerate your development process with pre-built, reusable components that simplify AWS configuration and integration, enabling faster project delivery.

  • Reusable AWS CDK constructs: Pre-built constructs for common AWS resources cut down on setup time.
  • Operational guidance: Don't get stuck on the nitty-gritty. We simplify AWS for all levels. Easy for beginners, advanced patterns for pros.
  • Seamless integration: Easily integrates with existing AWS infrastructure or CDK code for quicker development.
speed up development
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Stay safe and secure

Security Configuration is a necessity in AWS, but is often an afterthought or worse not done at all. Building Blocks provides AWS Resources that integrate security by default.

  • Secure by default: All constructs come with built-in security configurations following AWS best practices.
  • Automated compliance: Compliance is no longer an afterthought. Rules are implemented in the building blocks, ensuring compliance without any additional development work.
  • Development freedom: Allow developers of any skill level to work on AWS without the worry, security is taken care of.

Scalable and cost-effective

Optimize costs and scalability with resources designed for high availability and efficient resource use, preparing your infrastructure for future growth without unnecessary expenses.

  • High availability: Resources are designed to be highly available and scalable by default.
  • Cloud native: Build the way AWS intended, fully gaining the power of the cloud
  • Auto-scaling: Building Blocks ensure your infrastructure can scale to meet future demands, avoiding costly overhauls.
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Get real-time insights

Keep your AWS workloads running smoothly with our smart monitoring tools. Get real-time alerts and detailed insights, ensuring you can quickly spot and resolve issues before they affect your users.

  • Observability tools: Keep tabs on your AWS workloads effortlessly with Rocketleap’s advanced monitoring tools that integrates with CloudWatch and OpsGenie
  • Real-time alerts: Get instant alerts for any issues, so you can fix problems before they impact your business.
  • Monitoring built in: All Building Blocks come with monitoring and alerting built in. Alerts are no longer an afterthought, so you’ll never miss any impact on your customers.

"Rocketleap speeds up your adoption of AWS because you don't need to get into all the nitty-gritty of AWS resources. Rocketleap ensures your adoption is correct from the get-go and you don't need to refactor later."

Anirudh Bisht, Lead Architect,
Momo Medical

Are you ready for error-free deployment?

Get started with Rocketleap's Building Blocks and experience the difference in speed, security, and cost-efficiency.